March 15th, 2016
The human heart continuously pumps blood through the entire body and thus supplies every cell with vital nutrients. The necessary contraction of the cardiac muscle is triggered by a controlled conduction system of electrical impulses. In the ECG (electrocardiogram), the propagation of these pulses is then shown in the form of a line with peaks and valleys.
For a reading with a traditional 12-lead ECG, 10 electrodes are required, which are placed on the upper body and the arms and legs. It is particularly important that the electrodes are properly applied.
For each lead mirrors the propagation of the electrical signal in a specific direction. Hence, the doctor can then check the heart function. It is extremely important that the electrodes have been applied correctly, as otherwise the result will be falsified.
Besides the classic ECG with 10 electrodes, there are also models with significantly fewer electrodes. Thus, when using CardioSecur, only four electrodes need to be applied. These are only attached to the upper body, and not, as in a conventional device, on the upper body and the extremities. In this case, the result with CardioSecur is no different from a conventional ECG. Consequently, with CardioSecur a physician can check a patient’s heart function in the same quality as with a conventional device.
Sources: http://www.netdoktor.de/diagnostik/ekg/http://www.kardionet.de/elektrokardiographie-ekg