"My life has finally changed."
Learn how your smartphone turns into a mobile and personalized ECG in just three steps.
“I suffered from severe chest pain, which my doctors were unable to find a cause for, even after multiple examinations. Whenever I saw my doctor, my symptoms would go away. After five years of frustrating attempts, I decided to search for a more flexible diagnostic option on my own to finally receive clarity about my heart.
I obtained this clarity using CardioSecur. During another episode of pain, I was able to record a CardioSecur ECG. Its profound data clearly showed that I was suffering from vasospastic ischemia, an over-excitation of the blood vessels. This causes a "cramping" (vasospasm) of the vessels and subsequently reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Every time I went to see a physician the cramps subsided, thereby making it impossible to detect my condition.
Today I have CardioSecur to thank as I now take medication for this and my symptoms are gone.
"My life has finally changed."
Learn how your smartphone turns into a mobile and personalized ECG in just three steps.
“I suffered from severe chest pain, which my doctors were unable to find a cause for, even after multiple examinations. Whenever I saw my doctor, my symptoms would go away. After five years of frustrating attempts, I decided to search for a more flexible diagnostic option on my own to finally receive clarity about my heart.
I obtained this clarity using CardioSecur. During another episode of pain, I was able to record a CardioSecur ECG. Its profound data clearly showed that I was suffering from vasospastic ischemia, an over-excitation of the blood vessels. This causes a "cramping" (vasospasm) of the vessels and subsequently reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Every time I went to see a physician the cramps subsided, thereby making it impossible to detect my condition.
Today I have CardioSecur to thank as I now take medication for this and my symptoms are gone.”